
My goals for this blog is to help anyone that I can. Whether it's through my own personal experiences, advice, reviews, and everything in between. Maybe through my posts, I can give y'all a new outlook on things that you've never thought of, through my eyes. I guess we'll see what the future brings us.

Friday, February 13, 2015

The Glitter Affect?

Hello! Todays topic is something that has been on my mind a lot lately. I've been watching videos on YouTube, of people helping those less fortunate than them, without expecting anything in return. It got me thinking about how society works nowadays. How if we give someone a gift, we expect one in return. That is absolutely terrible. Sadly, we've all done it. It's disgusting to think how many times we all have done it, too. Whether it's getting someone something for their birthday, and then expecting them to get you one, for your birthday. What happened to doing things out of the kindness of your heart? Just to help someone out, and see that smile of theirs light up their face. Shouldn't their happiness and appreciation be enough in return?

I have a story I would like to share with y'all. A couple of days ago, my mom and I were leaving Walmart, when we seen a guy standing on a corner with a sign. I was too far away to read what the sign said. But, I'm sure we all have some sort of idea what it said. I turned to my mom and said, "I can't wait until I can get a job. So I can help people like that." She replied with, "You need to be careful though. Some people can have money and just do that to get more." I said, "I'll still give it to them. They can take it up with God if they are lying." My mom said, "That's a good way to look at it." That was the end of the conversation.

To me, if I see someone who needs money, and I am able to help them, I will. If it turns out that they are just scamming everyone, they are the ones who have to deal with the repercussions. I'll be the one doing what I feel is right and they'll be the one who will have to live with the guilt of scamming others.

I feel like it's time we all stand up for what we think is right. We shouldn't have to wonder if we'll get made fun of, or get bullied for it. We should be able to voice our rights in an acceptable manner, even if our friends, classmates, family, co-workers, who ever, don't believe in the same thing. I don't mean cussing at others, calling names, or fighting to get the point across either. There are other ways to express your beliefs and opinions in an orderly fashion, without offending others.

It's time we stand up to the bully, we fight (not physically) for what we believe in, we help who needs help, and do it all without wanting something in return.

That's the thing about society now. We judge people by the way they look on the outside. That person you see, who is dressed decently, can be barely making it. You'll never know though. They could be going day to day, with one meal. They can be working forty plus hours a week. You don't know. That's the thing. We don't know what goes on with other people. We don't know what they have been through and are currently going through. They can be giving you that smile, when inside, they are trying to be strong, not only for themselves, but their family and the people around them. Or, they could be the rudest, grumpiest person, but you still don't know what struggles they are facing in life. It's time we stop judging and start helping. We are all human. Our culture, religion, race, gender, and color, SHOULD NOT depict, whether to help someone or not.

I came up with a thing called, 'The Glitter Affect'. I personally love glitter. Every time I see it, it makes me smile. It stands out and shines so bright. But, one little spec of glitter can not shine and stand out on its own. It takes thousands upon millions of those little specs, to be seen.

For 'The Glitter Affect', I challenge everyone to help someone today, tomorrow, a month from now, forever. Smile at everyone who walks by you. Hug someone who least expects it. Whether it's something as "small" as sending them a message stating that you care, to giving them a pizza, to something "bigger" such as, helping someone find a job, to buying them clothes and the necessities that they need. Anything that you can do, is big! If you go to a fast food place like Burger King, or McDonalds, pay for the persons food behind you. That would literally make their whole day. Maybe even week, month, or year. That could make them want to do the same good deed that you did for them, for the person behind them, and so on and so forth. You don't know how much, you could've helped that person out.

I want everyone to take this to their social media accounts and spread the word. Whether it's on Facebook, Twitter, whatever you use. Use the hashtag, #TheGlitterAffect, and let me know what you did to help someone today. What you plan to do to help someone in the future. Please share this post/link with your family/friends/followers, so we can start making our world a better place for everyone today and everyone tomorrow.

Leave a comment down below on how you plan to help someone today, tomorrow, or a year from now. My twitter is @Breanda_Newell if y'all want to follow me or tag me in your tweet. That way, I can see what you did to help someone or how you plan to help someone. To the reader, you are absolutely beautiful! I'm here if any of y'all need someone to talk to. You can tweet/DM, on Twitter or leave a comment down below. I hope y'all have a fantabulous day! Thank you to everyone that helps spread my message. Thanks for reading!

*The idea and creation of 'The Glitter Affect' is created by me. You CAN NOT, try and pass the idea of it, as your own. Copyright 2015.*

*The picture above is mine.*

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