
My goals for this blog is to help anyone that I can. Whether it's through my own personal experiences, advice, reviews, and everything in between. Maybe through my posts, I can give y'all a new outlook on things that you've never thought of, through my eyes. I guess we'll see what the future brings us.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Things Will Look Up

Hello! Today's post is about a topic we can all relate to. So I'm just going to jump right into it.

So, as you may know, I've been dealing with health issues for over a year now. I've also been dealing with other struggles in my life. But, we all have struggles that we deal with on a day to day basis. I just want you all to know that, that I am here whenever you need me. Sometimes it can be easier talking about what's going on in your life, to a stranger, than to someone you personally know.

For a while, I just felt like nothing good was going on in my life. That one non-good thing, after another, was happening. And quite frankly, it sucked. But, this last day and 1/4, have actually been pretty good for me. It's opened my eyes, that good things do happen. That you have to go through the bad to get to the good. Just like the quote, "Be strong now. Because things will get better. It may be stormy now, but it can't rain forever." This quote is so true. Even though nothing has been solved yet, I know that it eventually will. A year from now, I can be living my dream. I have goals I want to reach and I know, that the more I work towards it everyday, that I will meet them. But, you can't expect things to happen for you, if you don't work for them. No one is going to magically hand you your college degree or your dream job. You are the only one who can give that to yourself. If things aren't going how you want them to, then change them. Stop sulking and living in the past. Get off your butt and change what you want to be changed. It's not going to do it on it's own.

I can't explain how good I feel right now. How these last thirty hours have affected me. It was a huge awakening for me. I hope everyone who reads this, feels like this one day. Where you want to work hard, to change the things that you hate in your life. To eventually end up in where you keep wishing you were.

I know, through hard work, determination, and faith in myself, I will end up where I want to in life. No matter the obstacles I will face and the people that will try to tear me down. If you want something bad enough, you will get it, if you work for it. It's time we grow up and stop expecting things to be handed to us.

Leave a comment down below if this has helped you in anyway, or if you have had this sort of "awakening" before in your life. Thanks for reading!

*I do not own the quote in italics written above.*

*The picture above is mine.*

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