
My goals for this blog is to help anyone that I can. Whether it's through my own personal experiences, advice, reviews, and everything in between. Maybe through my posts, I can give y'all a new outlook on things that you've never thought of, through my eyes. I guess we'll see what the future brings us.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

My Life: What's Been Going On With My Health?

Hello! So, today I am finally getting around to telling y'all what has been going with me for the last year. Now bear(bare?) with me, this is going to be a long story. So by all means, get some food, get comfortable, and enjoy.

On January 15, 2014, is when my life changed. Before I continue though, let me back track a little. The year 2013, was the beginning of my Senior year. I was excited for my last year of High School to finally be happening. I tend to always do everything. I was in FCCLA, FCA, KAY Club, STUCCO, SADD, Cheer, Dance, and I was also taking two college classes that served as duel credits, meaning it would count as a High School credit and college credit. That first semester of High School I started getting sick in September of 2013. It's not unusual for me to be sick. I tend to get sick a lot, not as much as I did in Middle School, but quite often. In September, it was just an ear infection. I get those all of the time, so it wasn't anything new. Though, in November, I came down with a sore throat that I just couldn't get rid of, for the life of me. Along with the sore throat came a cough and losing my voice. I didn't completely lose it though, but almost. Now that we're in November, this brings a lot of stress. Being on Dance for two years and being a Senior, I was aloud to choreograph my own dance for the team. I started choreographing the summer before school had started. Though, we found out that we were finally going to enter in a Cheer and Dance competition, where we would rated on how we did. This is where my dance came into play. I had to change it around to make it competition worthy. That really stressed me out big time. The reason being, we have Thanksgiving break in November, Christmas break in December, and semester finals. Our dance coach wanted us to learn the dance before Christmas break. This was maybe the first or second week of November when we started to learn my dance, because we still had to learn other dances for performances before the end of the year. Believe me, it's hard trying to get people to go home and practice too. On top of this, being on the Cheer team too, we had tons of cheers we were learning, getting new girls to stunt and do positions they have never done before. Like me, I started being a base in a stunt. I have never done that before. To others, they may say that this isn't a lot to learn. We had over 100 cheers that we had to learn and know by the time we came back from Christmas break and if we didn't, we would get benched. It was terrible. During this time, we had late night practices, optional practices during weekends and breaks. Those late night practices would last from 3:30 p.m.- 8:30 p.m., if you were dedicated enough to stay that late. I had to, because it was my dance, so I was volunteering my time, to help who ever needed help. I actually ended up in the hospital over Christmas break, due to a terrible cavity that was giving me and extreme headache/migraine. At the time, it was rare for me to have headaches. I was given pain medication that didn't do anything, besides make me sleep. We didn't know it was a cavity until I went to the dentist. Turns out, the cavity was hitting a nerve, that was giving me those extreme headaches. The reason I am saying this, is because even when I didn't feel good, I was still trying to do everything I could for those girls, so we would look amazing when we competed. It just frustrates me when people take advantage of other people and certain situations. Personally, I had set up two different times for people to come to my house and practice my dance, along with helping with the cheers, over Thanksgiving/Christmas (I can't remember which one it was, or if it was both.). Both times, only one girl showed up and it was the same girl. Also, one of our Cheer coaches, was supposed to upload a ton of cheers up on this website that our school uses for sports, over Christmas break.  It turns out that they never showed up for us, but on her iPad, it showed that they were uploaded. Quite a few of us tried emailing our coaches, messaging them on our Facebook page, and no one could get ahold of them, until the end of break. Let me tell you something, I was freakin terrified of getting yelled at by them, for not noticing it sooner. It turned out being ok in the end, for the most part. I did tell her that I had two different times set up at my house for them all to come and practice but only one girl showed up. She was mad and upset that no one else went. A lot of them said they never knew anything about it when, I texted everyone's number I had, I posted it on my Facebook and tag everyone I was friends with, AND I also posted it on our Cheer and Dance Facebook page. That was just very annoying to deal with, because then we were cramming everything in last minute. We came back from break on January 9th or 10th of 2014. Though, I'm pretty sure that whole week and the weekend before, we had optional practices that you could go to, because our Cheer and Dance competition was on that Saturday, January 11th, 2014. Our coach was even nice enough to bring us pizza for dinner two or three of those nights when we had evening practices, oppose from morning practices. Before break though, our coach decided that we weren't going to compete, but she still wanted us to learn all of the material, so we wouldn't being stressing over it after break. But, when school started up around the 9th, she decided that we were going to compete. So the girls who weren't practicing over break and at home, (You could definitely tell, who wasn't going home and practicing every night.) would have to learn it. Meaning, if they messed up, it would be their fault for not learning the material when they were supposed to. After competition school went on how it usually did. I had practice, homework, and games every week.

Now, we are finally on January 15, 2014. I remember that day, as clear as glass. That morning, I woke up not feeling too well. I had a stomach ache and was slightly nauseous. I thought I was just hungry, because, when I get really hungry and my stomach is so empty, I get nauseous and my stomach hurts. I just got up, got ready, and ate my two slices of cinnamon toast, like I did every morning. Though, I still felt terrible. The stomach ache was just getting worse as the time went by. I remember texting my mom and telling her I wasn't feeling good. She came out and talked to me, because I was freaking out. At the school I went to, if you went to a game, you had to be at school the next day or you'll get in trouble. Me being me, was scared to death of getting in trouble. My mom was trying to tell me that my coach knows how I am, that I don't miss school unless I really need to. My sister told my coach what was going on and she didn't get mad, since she knows how I am. The thing is though, I didn't get better at all that day. My mom thought I might have just caught a bug. I ended up missing four days of school in a row. My parents thought I just didn't want to go to school (I did that when I was younger. The longer I stayed home, the more I didn't want to go back to school.). But, that wasn't the case, I had gotten over that. I remember my mom telling me I needed to get up and get ready to go to school. I was so mad that she didn't believe me. On the way to school, I was crying because I didn't feel good and that my mom didn't believe me. When my sister and I had gotten to school, I had a panic attack and ended up just dropping her off and going back home. The reason I had a panic attack, was because I didn't feel good. For me, I absolutely HATE doing stuff I don't want to do, when I feel horrible. My parents finally started to believe that there was something wrong with me and that I wasn't making it up. My mom set up a doctors appointment for me, to try and figure out what was wrong. Nothing could be found. I had to go to school now, no matter what. I quit eating lunch at school, because no matter what I ate and when I ate it, I would get this horrible stomach ache and extreme nausea. I ended up loosing twenty or so pounds. I looked terrible. I like to say I had chicken legs because, before my mom would say I had gymnast legs from the workouts and practices I've had since Junior year. Since, I couldn't eat, I lost a lot of weight and all the muscle I had. I would miss about two or three days of school a week. I constantly had homework, making highly stressed. Not to mention, throughout those first three-five months, I had every test that there is, done. I had an Upper G.I., Hyda Scan, about four Ultrasounds, nine things of blood drawn, Scope, and a C.A.T Scan. I also had one or two hospital visits. The only thing that was found, was several Ovarian Cysts on my ovaries and a terrible UTI. Which I have never had a bladder infection or UTI in my life, before I got sick. Since, I've had like two or three of them. No one can find anything wrong with me, that links to my symptoms. In fact, my blood work came back perfect every time, and what ever shows that you must eat a lot of greens, came back perfect. Which is weird, because I don't eat healthy at all. Vegetables are not apart of my diet, let alone the greens you need to eat. Since graduating High School last May, what ever is wrong with me has taken over my life. During summer of 2014, I ended up gaining my weight back. I was able to eat a little more. I haven't been able to go to college or get a job. At about or before the start of my Senior year, I had the next two-three years of my life, after High School planned out. But, sadly, I haven't been able to do any of those plans. As of January 2015, I have seen several doctors, a surgeon, a specialist, about seventeen things of blood drawn, five veins blown out, around four hospital visits, at least four different medications tried, two to three different nausea pills tried out, Upper G.I., Hyda Scan, at least six Ultrasounds, Scope, C.A.T. Scan, and now I have another appointment scheduled for a different specialist. It started out terrible between January-May 2014, slightly better where I could eat more between June-September of 2014, and now for about the last for months have been bad. But, this January has been absolute horrific. I am able to eat pretty good for two days, but then I'm hunched over in terrible stomach pain and extreme nausea for the next three days, when I try to eat.

I think that is about it. If I remember something I forgot, I'll be sure to put it in. Sorry if y'all got bored reading this. Just thought I would share what is going on with me, incase someone else can relate to me, have answers, or give me something I should look into. There has been so many different things I have researched and looked into, to see if that is what I could have.

Leave a comment down below if you have experienced a mystery diagnosis or know anyone else who has. Or, if you have any advice for me, that would be great. Maybe something that can help with my stomach aches and nausea. I've tried over the counter medicine, prescribed medication, and every home remedy to get rid of both. I haven't found really anything that works. You don't know how much I would appreciate any advice or suggestions y'all have for me. Thanks for reading!

*The picture above is mine.*

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