
My goals for this blog is to help anyone that I can. Whether it's through my own personal experiences, advice, reviews, and everything in between. Maybe through my posts, I can give y'all a new outlook on things that you've never thought of, through my eyes. I guess we'll see what the future brings us.

Thursday, January 22, 2015


Hello! I just have a quick question for y'all. Should I make some sort of email address for y'all to contact me through. I was thinking, if anyone wants or needs advice and you want it to be anonymous, you can just email me, and I can address it through a post without mentioning your identity. That way, if others have the same problem as you but, you don't want anyone to know who you are, you still get advice, while possibly helping others at the same time.

Leave a comment down below if you want me to or not. Even if only one person wants me to, I will. Thanks for reading!

*The picture is mine.*

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