
My goals for this blog is to help anyone that I can. Whether it's through my own personal experiences, advice, reviews, and everything in between. Maybe through my posts, I can give y'all a new outlook on things that you've never thought of, through my eyes. I guess we'll see what the future brings us.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Good Study Habits


Hello! Today, I will be giving y'all some tips to help you have better study habits. I have decided to do this because, I know that a lot of people are having midterms and exams right now. These tips are what I have discovered help me concentrate better, so I thought I would share them with you guys. Now I'm not saying these are what you have to do or you have to go purchase everything that is mentioned. This is just fore me to share with y'all the different tips that you may want to try out. I have provided pictures to show y'all what I use for these tips. Enjoy!

Tips On Good Study Habits:
1. Use sticky notes.
 A. By using sticky notes, you will be able to label and mark what needs to be studied.
 B. Colored sticky notes, will give you the option to color code all of your subjects.
 C. Different sized sticky notes, will give you the precise size that you need for various usage.

2. Flash Cards
 A. You are able to put the question on one side and the answer on the other. This way, you don't have to flip through all of your notes looking for the correct answer for every question.
 B. Colored flash cards, will give you the option to color code all of your subjects.
 C. They are easy to transport where ever you go. (Such as, going out to dinner or studying with a friend.)

3. Highlighters
 A. You can highlight everything that is important, that you'll need to know for a test or quiz. This will make it a lot easier to search through your notes or books.
 B. Colored highlighters, will give you the option to color code all of your subjects. Or, color code when homework is due, or when your next quiz/test/exam is.

4. Agenda/Planners/Notebooks
 A. You'll be able to write down what homework you have for the day, when it's due, and also when your next test is.
 B. It's also great for remembering dates. Such as, if you are in a ton of activities, you'll be able to write down what activity is when, what you need to bring, and also what time it starts and ends.
 C. Fun notebooks give boring subjects the color and brightness they need. Try to find some that will make you smile every time you take them out.

5. Erasers/Pencils/Pens
 A. Make sure to always have more than one of everything you have. You don't want to lose a pencil and not have one when you need one. It's always good to have back ups.
 B. Make it fun! Have crazy, fun shaped erasers, like the examples I have provided you with in the  picture above. The ones I chose to show you, that I have, is a carrot, lips, and a heart.

6. Sit against a hard surface.
 A. Laying down distracts you and makes you tired.
 B. Trying sitting against a wall, or sitting in a chair at a table/desk.

7. No food!
 A. This is a hard one for me. Food tends to distract us and get us off course.
 B. Try to only have water around.

8. Take breaks!
 A. Take small breaks in-between studying. This allows your brain a break and gives you the chance to relax.
 B. Shorter breaks are the best. Taking long breaks will make you lazy and not want to continue studying.
 C. This is the time to have a snack to give you the energy you need. By eating on your break, you aren't distracted from your homework or study time. Try having a healthy snack such as, vegetables, fruits, or nuts. (This has to be the hardest for me. I hate eating healthy. Junk food is my best friend.)

9. Music
 A. Listen to music if it helps you study. Personally, it helps me to concentrate on what I'm doing, while blocking the outside world out.

10. Eat Peppermint Candy!
 A. It is proven that peppermint candy improves your memory. I know when I was in school, when ever we have our 'State Assessments', they would always give us peppermint candy to eat during the test. I provided a link below, so y'all can check that out for yourself.


Leave a comment down below if you have or are going to try any of these. I would love to know what you do to help you concentrate, that I don't have listed already. I'm always looking for new ways to improve my own study habits. Thanks for reading!

PS: Sorry this is slightly late. I tried to have it up before midnight but, I was having trouble with the pictures again. If anyone knows how to take the black parts off of  them, please let me know.

*I do not own the link above. There was no copyright infringement intended.*

*The pictures above are mine.*

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