
My goals for this blog is to help anyone that I can. Whether it's through my own personal experiences, advice, reviews, and everything in between. Maybe through my posts, I can give y'all a new outlook on things that you've never thought of, through my eyes. I guess we'll see what the future brings us.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

What To Do When Near A Fangirl: Part 1?

Hello! Today's topic is about being around a fangirl. I will be giving tips about what to do around a fangirl. First, being a fangirl is the best thing that has ever happened to my life. To others, it may seem useless and a waste of their time, but to us fangirls, it's what makes us happy. (The picture above is the people that I fangirl over. I'm not sure what the black is, I tried fixing it, but nothing was working. I'm sorry for that.) 

Tips For Being Near A Fangirl:
1. When we hear our favorite song playing in public, I can guarantee you, that we will sing along, no matter who is around.
 A. Just let it happen. You can't stop us.

2. Shut up
 A. We don't want to hear you talk during our song.
 B. Give us those four minutes to jam out, dance around, and be crazy.
 C. You may continue our conversation, once the song is over.

3. You better watch out when we see/hear the person or group we fangirl over.
 A. You can have the radio playing upstairs, while we are doing our laundry, in the basement, with the door shut, when our favorite song comes on. I can promise you, we will be up those stairs in five seconds flat.
 B. We can be walking along in Target and barely see our favorite group on something, just from the corner of our eyes. (We see everything that corresponds with what we fangirl over.) We will go grab that something so fast, you won't even know we left you. (This is a true story, it happened to me.)

4. We get emotional.
 A. It's going to happen sooner or later.
 B. Let us do what we do when we get emotional. Whether it's crying or going on a big rampage. Just listen to what we have to say.

5. Let us be a fangirl.
 A. We are never to old to fangirl. We don't have to be a "teeny-bopper" to be one.
 B. Being a fangirl is not the worst thing to be. Our parents are lucky we aren't the type to get drunk every night and be promiscuous.
 C. Enjoy us being happy. Who knows what we would be like, if these people never entered our life.

I think that is all I have to say about this today. I might make a series out of this. So, consider this part 1?

Leave a comment down below if you have anything I should add to this in the future. Would y'all like this to be series? I would love to know y'alls' experience about being a fangirl or dealing with one. These are what I have experienced being a fangirl myself. Thanks for reading!

PS: Sorry this a little late. I tried posting it before midnight.

*The picture above is mine.*

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