
My goals for this blog is to help anyone that I can. Whether it's through my own personal experiences, advice, reviews, and everything in between. Maybe through my posts, I can give y'all a new outlook on things that you've never thought of, through my eyes. I guess we'll see what the future brings us.

Friday, January 9, 2015

My Personal Life: My Favorite Clothing Store Going Out Of Business

Hello! Todays post is about my favorite clothing place, DEBS, closing. (I thinks it's only an American store, for all of you who aren't from America.) So apparently, they filed bankruptcy and now they are going out of business. I don't know what to do! This is one of my favorite places to shop for my clothes. They have tons of different styles from, girly and cute, to edgy and a little rockish. The good thing is, they are having 30%-50% off on everything, since it all has to go. The sad thing is, I'm broke. I spent the money I did have, on books and other fun stuff. I wish I could've see into the future and seen that this was going to happen. Then, I would have saved my money. I posted two pictures above of stuff I got last week before this happened. It's also annoying, because the stuff I got last week, I could've gotten 50% off this week. So that sucks.  I wish I was a millionaire, that way I would buy all of the clothes from the store, pick out what I couldn't wear, and then give the rest to charity. Doesn't that sound like a perfect plan? You know, if anyone is feeling generous...(wink, wink, nudge, nudge). No but on a serious note, I wonder what they are going to do with what doesn't sale. How amazing would that be if they gave it out for free. I know that will never happen, but you can't blame a girl from dreaming. Seriously, what girl doesn't dream of getting tones of clothes for free? They also have jewelry, bras and underwear, shoes, a small (very small) area of makeup, and purses and hats. Pretty much everything that involves fashion. Imagine your closet filled with a brand new wardrobe. I would still probably be one of those girls that says, "I have nothing to wear.". I personally think most girls are like that, because they picture themselves wearing something they don't have and then try to recreate it as much as they can, but don't have the right clothing to do so. Since this clothing store is closing, anyone have any suggestions of other shops I should check out?

So, I know this isn't a very interesting topic, but this gives you a look into my personal life. Tomorrow, I will have something more entertaining and useful to you (I hope anyways). Not just of me complaining or whatever you want to call what I wrote up there. Lol.

Leave a comment down below what you would do if your favorite clothing store closed. Also, answer some of the questions I wrote in the middle of my rant, I guess you would call it. I would love to know y'all's opinions on this. I hope you enjoyed this. Thanks everyone for reading!

*The pictures above are mine.*

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