
My goals for this blog is to help anyone that I can. Whether it's through my own personal experiences, advice, reviews, and everything in between. Maybe through my posts, I can give y'all a new outlook on things that you've never thought of, through my eyes. I guess we'll see what the future brings us.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Fake People

Hello! This post will be about fake people. I don't know about y'all but people who act differently around other people or change to act like something their not. Recently, I feel like some girls change their look so their favorite "celebrity" will like them for it. I'm not saying every girl does this, just a few. Such as, the ones who wear band shirts of bands that they have never listened to before, or only know one song. I'll give you an example using myself. I love the song 'One Step Closer' by Linkin Park, but that is the only song I know. Now, how stupid would it be of me to go buy a Linkin Park shirt and say they are one of my favorite bands? Very stupid, if I do say so myself. They can't be your favorite band if you only know one song and nothing else about them. One band I do know a lot about is '5 Seconds Of Summer'. I can tell you their birthdays, first single, where they live (Not their address, I'm not a stalker.), etc.. I definitely have a right to buy a shirt with them on it, because I know who they are as people, along with their songs. Y'all should know who they are (If not, where have you been?). We know that they are a rock band and dress like one, with their ripped jeans, holes in their many band shirts, etc.. All of a sudden, I have noticed some girls dressing in holey (Is that even a word?) jeans, band shirts, dying their hair, and wearing flannels. I feel like part of these girls dressed like this even before '5SOS', but I feel like others do it to get their attention. That they do it, thinking the boys will like that they have similar taste in certain things. Like, that is the only way they will like you. I personally think, that if someone doesn't like you for who you are, then they are missing out on an amazing, epic person. Don't try and change yourself just to get noticed. You will get noticed for being yourself, with your own style. You'll be the one to stand out in a group of girls (Is there any guys that read by blog?) who are dressed very similar. It's ok to make your own style. If you like wearing your socks tucked into your pants, then rock it, if you like wearing a fake lip ring, then own it. Do what you want. Fashion has no rules, no matter what anyone says.

"Do what you want, invent a new style. One day, maybe you'll be the one to start the latest trend." -Breanda Newell

Please note that my intentions are not to offend everyone, but merely give you my opinion on what I see. Feel free to disagree with me, after all, you have a right to your own opinion, as do I. I just ask that you respect what I have to say and I'll do the same for you.

Leave a comment down below if you have noticed any of the things I have mention above. Is their any boys that read my blog? I am very curious if there is or not. Thanks everyone for reading!

*The picture above is mine.*

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