
My goals for this blog is to help anyone that I can. Whether it's through my own personal experiences, advice, reviews, and everything in between. Maybe through my posts, I can give y'all a new outlook on things that you've never thought of, through my eyes. I guess we'll see what the future brings us.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Lets Get Personal: Insecurities

Hello! Today I will be talking about insecurities. We all have them and have to live with them (Most of the time anyway). Even though we think only girls have insecurities, that is a thousand percent wrong. Boys have insecurities too. Boys aren't immune to feelings. Gender doesn't matter in having emotions. Sure, females and males express their emotions differently, but we also express them in similar ways. Whether it's through eating disorders, self-harm, etc..

The different types of insecurities can vary between body image, how you talk, or even by the way you do things. Today in society, we are "supposed" to look and act a certain way. Society has poisoned the minds of us all. Whether you are eighty-eight years old or thirteen years old. We have it implanted into our brains that we all need to be a size zero, eat healthy, have clear skin and be absolutely perfect. When in reality, no one is perfect. In the picture above, I rewrote 'Dear Diary' twice and 'Insecurities Suck' five times, before I realized that it will never be perfect, because perfect doesn't exist. It's ok to have a goal to try and be as perfect as possible, but really what defines perfection? Perfection to me, is being the best you, you can be. That is incredibly cheesy, I know, but it's the truth. You are perfect just the way you are, you don't need to change yourself for someone or for society. Change because you, yourself, wants to. If you think you need to lose a few pounds to be healthier, do it. But, don't lose that weight to be skinner or "impress" someone. I'm all for changing yourself, only if it's what you want. If you want to have plastic surgery, do your makeup different, or have a ton of tattoos, go for it! Express yourself the way you want to! If that certain person or people don't like you for who you are, then forget them! You don't need people like them in your life. You are worth so much more than that.

It's time we change the way society has become. We went from wanting to look healthy, to wanting to look like a sheet of paper. Nowadays, mean names like fat or twig are being thrown at each other. Yes, I said twig. Some people are born naturally skinny. It's not their fault they can't gain weight. They feel the same way that people, who have more meat on their bones, that are called fat, feel when people tell them, "You need to eat more, or you need to gain wait." It goes both ways people. Society in general, just can't seem to comprehend that very well.

I'm going to stop there because, I feel like I can go on and on about this.

"Be confidant in who you are, because the you, you are now, is eye catching beautiful." - Breanda Newell 

Leave a comment down below about your insecurities and if you are over them or in the process of getting over them and loving yourself as you are. Help each other out in the comments. Don't be afraid to ask questions or ask for support either. I am here for y'all. Thanks everyone for reading!

*The picture above is mine.*

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