
My goals for this blog is to help anyone that I can. Whether it's through my own personal experiences, advice, reviews, and everything in between. Maybe through my posts, I can give y'all a new outlook on things that you've never thought of, through my eyes. I guess we'll see what the future brings us.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Review: Revlon Photoready Foundation

Hello! As you can tell from the title, today I will be reviewing the 'Revlon Photoready Foundation'. Before anyone asks, yes, I have tried it more than three times. I have actually been using this foundation for about a year and a half now. Now let me tell you, I have no idea how I have lived without this foundation before I started using it! It is my holy grail! This foundation is one of the longest, lasting foundations that I have ever tried. I have fallen asleep for a nap (Or the nights I'm too lazy to take my makeup off.) and woken up and it would still be on. The first time I went to take a shower and came out, the foundation was still on! I was so surprised. It's almost like it's waterproof. You can flick water on your face and it would just roll down your face without leaving a "tear stain" in its track. The actual foundation itself, is creamy and goes on so smooth. It's not too runny/watery, though, it's not too thick, it's in-between. The color I use is 003 shell. It is slightly too light if I get some sun, other than that, it's the perfect shade. It does come in a variety of shades. I think there is around ten different shades. This foundation is most definitely buildable too. I personally do two thin layers oppose to one thick layer. This way you can build it where you need it and not cake it on the spots that don't need as much coverage as others. If you need coverage, this foundation delivers it beautifully. I do find myself needing to either, blot my face with an oil absorbing sheet and/or powdering my face somewhere between five to six hours of wearing it. I think the reason for that though, is because I have oily skin all around. So if you have dry skin, this will work perfectly for you. But, if you have oily skin or combination skin, you may want to have some oil absorbing sheets/powder on hand if you have a long day ahead of you. Some people may find that a nuisance, but in my opinion, if you have oily skin, you are more than likely already carrying one of the two or both items with you.
Leave a comment down below if you have tried this or are going to try it now. Also, let me know if there are any foundations that you swear by, that I should look into. Thanks everyone for reading!

*The picture above is mine.*

*This is in no way shape or form sponsored by Revlon.*

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